Cedar Non Flowering Or Flowering, Patulong Po

Cedar non flowering or flowering

patulong po


Cedar or also known as Cedrus is a variety of coniferous trees in the sub-family of Abietoideae which is Piaceae. They are widely native Western Himalayas and Mediterranean Region mountains.

This genus of trees are also known for their spicy-resinous scent which makes some botanical authorities to consider Cedars as the sole "true cedars". This trees grow up to 30 to 40 meters high and at some rare sight, it also grows 60 meters high. It also has thick-ridged or square-cracked bark, also broad and level branches. It also has thick-ridged or square-cracked bark, also broad and level branches. Cedar trees have evergreen colored leaves looks like needles. Aside from its physical characteristics, cedars are also popular for being ornamental trees, its wood and oil are used as natural repellents to insects such as moths, therefore cedar woods are often used to furniture such as cabinets and storages. Cedar trees are indeed aromatic, but are not flowering yet undergoes pollination through their seed cones.

What is cedar: brainly.ph/question/11486186

