Dance Etiquette, "Dos And Donts", "Directions: Write Do If The Given Statement Is A Must, And Write

Dance Etiquette

Dos and Donts
Directions: Write DO if the given statement is a MUST, and write DONT if it should not be
done in social dancing. Put your answers after each statement.
1. Smile, it makes everything and everyone feel more comfortable.
2. Say thank you to your partner for the dance.
3. It is okay to blame your partner if he/she had mistaken in the dance.
4. It doesnt matter of you bumped into someone or stepped on their feet during a
5. Consider your partners level of dancing.
6. Reject immediately if someone is asking you for a dance.
7. Make an eye contact with your partner when dancing.
8. Social manners in dancing is not important, as long as you are good at dancing,
9. Leave your partner after the dance. He/she is not anymore your responsibility after
the dance.
10. Be polite and pleasant if you are about to decline a dance.


